- Collaborative robots (cobots)
- Electric forklift truck
- Light Electric Vehicle (LEV)
- 电动自行车
- HVAC (Air conditioning)
- 电动自行车
- Fluid pump control
- Intelligent outdoor street lighting
- AC EV wallbox
- DC EV charging station
- Hybrid solar inverter
- Micro solar inverter
- Photovoltaic string inverter
- Residential battery energy storage system
- 工业电源(PSU)
- 48/12 V DC/DC转换(电信/服务器)
- 5G宏/微电池电源
- 通信基础设施的热插拔
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- 12–48 V power tools and cordless equipment
- Electronic shelf label (ESL)
- 供电设备/以太网供电
Advanced Support Tools
- Interactive Datasheets
- Electrothermal MOSFET models
- Quick Learning Videos
- Interactive applications notes
- MOSFET selector for BLDC Motor (sinusoidal) application
- MOSFET selector for BLDC Motor (trapezoidal) application
- MOSFET selector for Synchronous Boost DC-DC converter application
- MOSFET selector for Synchronous Buck DC-DC converter application
- MOSFET selector for Synchronous SEPIC DC-DC converter application
- Light Energy Harvesting - Energy Balance Calculator
- Nexperia Handbook Library
- Application Guide
- 电动自行车
- Energy harvesting smart building sensors
- High performance rack-/blade-based server
- 刀片服务器的热插拔
- Medical diagnostics and therapy
- Residential heat pump
- Robot vacuum cleaner
- Self-charging Remote Control
- Smoke / Fire detector
- 固态驱动器(SSD)
- 无人机(UAV)
- Washing machine / Dishwasher
- Ultra Wide Band (UWB) key fob
Interactive application notes
- Interactive application notes tutorial
- IAN50001 - Reverse battery protection in automotive applications
- IAN50002 - LED side light SEPIC DC-to-DC converter
- IAN50003 - Driving solenoids in automotive applications
- IAN50004 - Using power MOSFETs in DC motor control applications
- IAN50005 - Paralleling power MOSFETs in high power applications
- IAN50006 - Power MOSFETs in linear mode
- IAN50007 - Conducted battery line transients
- IAN50009 - Power MOSFET applications in automotive BLDC and PMSM drives
- IAN50012 - Nexperia Precision Electrothermal models for Power MOSFETs
- IAN50016 - MOSFETs for airbag applications
- Application notes
- IAN50017 - Multiphase machines for automotive applications
- IAN50019 - Thermal boundary condition study on MOSFET packages and PCB substrates
- IAN50020 - MOSFETs in Power Switch applications