型号 | 可订购的器件编号 | 订购代码(12NC) | 封装 | 从经销商处购买 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLEX | 934664110115 | SOT669 | 订单产品 |
Register once, drag and drop ECAD models into your CAD tool and speed up your design.
Click here for more informationFully optimized Safe Operating Area (SOA) for superior linear mode operation
Optimized for low RDSon / low I2R conduction losses
LFPAK56 package for applications that demand the highest performance and reliability in a 30 mm2 footprint
Low leakage <1 µA at 25 °C
Copper-clip for low parasitic inductance and resistance
High reliability LFPAK package, qualified to 175 °C
Hot swap in 12 V - 20 V applications
DC switch
Load switch
Battery protection
型号 | Package version | Package name | Product status | Channel type | Nr of transistors | VDS [max] (V) | RDSon [max] @ VGS = 10 V (mΩ) | Tj [max] (°C) | ID [max] (A) | QGD [typ] (nC) | QG(tot) [typ] @ VGS = 4.5 V (nC) | QG(tot) [typ] @ VGS = 10 V (nC) | Ptot [max] (W) | Qr [typ] (nC) | VGSth [typ] (V) | Automotive qualified | Ciss [typ] (pF) | Coss [typ] (pF) | Release date |
PSMNR98-25YLE | SOT669 | LFPAK56; Power-SO8 | Production | N | 1 | 25 | 1.11 | 175 | 255 | 8 | 27 | 59 | 192 | 21 | 1.94 | N | 4166 | 1893 | 2022-09-19 |
型号 | 可订购的器件编号,(订购码(12NC)) | 状态 | 标示 | 封装 | 外形图 | 回流焊/波峰焊 | 包装 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLEX (934664110115) |
Active | E98L25Y |
![]() LFPAK56; Power-SO8 (SOT669) |
SOT669 |
SOT669_115 |
文件名称 | 标题 | 类型 | 日期 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | N-channel 25 V, 1.1 mOhm, ASFET for hotswap with enhanced SOA in LFPAK56 | Data sheet | 2023-01-10 |
AN50006 | Power MOSFETs in linear mode | Application note | 2022-04-12 |
AN90016 | Maximum continuous currents in NEXPERIA LFPAK power MOSFETs | Application note | 2020-09-03 |
SOT669 | 3D model for products with SOT669 package | Design support | 2017-06-30 |
SOT669 | 3D model for products with SOT669 package | Design support | 2017-06-30 |
Nexperia_package_poster | Nexperia package poster | Leaflet | 2020-05-15 |
LFPAK56_POWER-SO8_SOT669_mk | plastic, single-ended surface-mounted package; 4 terminals; 4.9 mm x 4.45 mm x 1 mm body | Marcom graphics | 2017-01-28 |
T11_SSOA_25V | T11_SSOA_25V Precision ElectroThermal (PET) spice | PET SPICE model | 2024-04-08 |
SOT669 | plastic, single-ended surface-mounted package; 4 terminals | Package information | 2022-05-30 |
SOT669_115 | LFPAK56; Reel pack for SMD, 7"; Q1/T1 product orientation | Packing information | 2022-05-10 |
Reliability_information_t11_sot669 | Reliability qualification information | Quality document | 2022-08-19 |
T11_SOT669_PSMNR98-25YLE_Nexperia_Quality_document | Product Quality Quick Reference Information | Quality document | 2022-10-31 |
REFLOW_BG-BD-1 | Reflow soldering profile | Reflow soldering | 2021-04-06 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLE SPICE model | SPICE model | 2022-10-24 |
CauerModel_PSMNR98-25YLE | Cauer model PSMNR98-25YLE | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
FosterModel_PSMNR98-25YLE | Foster model PSMNR98-25YLE | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLE RC thermal model | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLE FloTherm thermal model | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
WAVE_BG-BD-1 | Wave soldering profile | Wave soldering | 2021-09-08 |
如果您需要设计/技术支持,请告知我们并填写 应答表 我们会尽快回复您。
文件名称 | 标题 | 类型 | 日期 |
SOT669 | 3D model for products with SOT669 package | Design support | 2017-06-30 |
T11_SSOA_25V | T11_SSOA_25V Precision ElectroThermal (PET) spice | PET SPICE model | 2024-04-08 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLE SPICE model | SPICE model | 2022-10-24 |
CauerModel_PSMNR98-25YLE | Cauer model PSMNR98-25YLE | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
FosterModel_PSMNR98-25YLE | Foster model PSMNR98-25YLE | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLE RC thermal model | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLE FloTherm thermal model | Thermal model | 2022-10-24 |
SOT669 | 3D model for products with SOT669 package | Design support | 2017-06-30 |
型号 | Orderable part number | Ordering code (12NC) | 状态 | 包装 | Packing Quantity | 在线购买 |
PSMNR98-25YLE | PSMNR98-25YLEX | 934664110115 | Active | SOT669_115 | 1,500 | 订单产品 |
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The interactive datasheets are based on the Nexperia MOSFET precision electrothermal models. With our interactive datasheets you can simply specify your own conditions interactively. Start by changing the values of the conditions. You can do this by using the sliders in the condition fields. By dragging the sliders you will see how the MOSFET will perform at the new conditions set.