



氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)






有多种可级联SIPO(串行输入并行输出)和PISO(并行输入串行输出)寄存器可供选择。我们的高频器件非常适合您的控制单元、通用I/O (GPIO)扩展和LED驱动应用。


  • 简单控制接口
  • I/O扩展
  • 异步和同步负载选项
  • 高频
  • 可级联
  • LED驱动器


  • 显示器
  • 控制单元


Shift Registers


型号 描述 状态 快速访问
74AHC164; 74AHCT164 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register ACT
74AHC164BQ 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74AHC164D 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74AHC164PW 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74AHCT164BQ 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74AHCT164D 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74AHCT164PW 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74AHC594; 74AHCT594 8-bit shift register with output register ACT
74AHC594BQ 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74AHC594D 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74AHC594DB 8-bit shift register with output register EndOfLife
74AHC594PW 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74AHCT594BQ 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74AHCT594D 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74AHCT594DB 8-bit shift register with output register EndOfLife
74AHCT594PW 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74AHC595; 74AHCT595 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches ACT
74AHC595BQ 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74AHC595D 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74AHC595PW 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74AHCT595BQ 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74AHCT595D 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74AHCT595PW 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74HC164; 74HCT164 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register ACT
74HC164BQ 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register Production
74HC164D 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register Production
74HC164DB 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register EndOfLife
74HC164PW 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register Production
74HCT164BQ 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register Production
74HCT164D 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register Production
74HCT164DB 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register EndOfLife
74HCT164PW 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register Production
74HC165; 74HCT165 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register ACT
74HC165BQ 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HC165D 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HC165DB 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register EndOfLife
74HC165PW 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HCT165BQ 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HCT165D 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HCT165DB 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register EndOfLife
74HCT165PW 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HC166; 74HCT166 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register ACT
74HC166D 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HC166DB EndOfLife
74HC166PW 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HCT166D 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HCT166DB EndOfLife
74HCT166PW 8-bit parallel-in/serial out shift register Production
74HC194 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register ACT
74HC194D 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register EndOfLife
74HC194DB 4-bit bidirectional universal shift register EndOfLife
74HC299 8-bit universal shift register; 3-state ACT
74HC299D 8-bit universal shift register; 3-state Production
74HC299DB 8-bit universal shift register; 3-state EndOfLife
74HC299PW 8-bit universal shift register; 3-state EndOfLife
74HC4094; 74HCT4094 8-stage shift-and-store bus register ACT
74HC4094D 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Production
74HC4094DB 8-stage shift-and-store bus register EndOfLife
74HC4094PW 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Production
74HCT4094D 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Production
74HCT4094DB 8-stage shift-and-store bus register EndOfLife
74HCT4094PW 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Production
74HC594; 74HCT594 8-bit shift register with output register ACT
74HC594BQ 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74HC594D 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74HC594DB 8-bit shift register with output register EndOfLife
74HC594PW 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74HCT594D 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74HCT594DB 8-bit shift register with output register EndOfLife
74HCT594PW 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74HC595; 74HCT595 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state ACT
74HC595BQ 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HC595BZ 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HC595D 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HC595DB 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state EndOfLife
74HC595PW 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HCT595BQ 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HCT595D 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HCT595DB 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state EndOfLife
74HCT595PW 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state Production
74HC597; 74HCT597 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops ACT
74HC597D 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops Production
74HC597DB 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops EndOfLife
74HC597PW 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops Production
74HCT597D 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops Production
74HCT597DB 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops EndOfLife
74HCT597PW 8-bit shift register with input flip-flops Production
74LV164 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register ACT
74LV164BQ 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74LV164D 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74LV164DB 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register EndOfLife
74LV164PW 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register Production
74LV165 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register ACT
74LV165D 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register Production
74LV165DB 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register EndOfLife
74LV165PW 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register Production
74LV165A 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register ACT
74LV165AD 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register Production
74LV165APW 8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register Production
74LV4094 8-stage shift-and-store bus register ACT
74LV4094D 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Production
74LV4094DB 8-stage shift-and-store bus register EndOfLife
74LV4094PW 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Production
74LV595 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state ACT
74LV595D 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state Production
74LV595DB 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state EndOfLife
74LV595PW 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state Production
74LVC594A 8-bit shift register with output register ACT
74LVC594ABQ 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74LVC594AD 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74LVC594APW 8-bit shift register with output register Production
74LVC595A 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state ACT
74LVC595ABQ 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state Production
74LVC595AD 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state Production
74LVC595APW 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register; 3-state Production
74VHC595; 74VHCT595 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches ACT
74VHC595BQ 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74VHC595D 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74VHC595PW 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74VHCT595BQ 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74VHCT595D 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
74VHCT595PW 8-bit serial-in/serial-out or parallel-out shift register with output latches Production
HEF4014B 8-bit static shift register ACT
HEF4014BT 8-bit static shift register Production
HEF4015B Dual 4-bit static shift register ACT
HEF4015BT Dual 4-bit static shift register Production
HEF4021B 8-bit static shift register ACT
HEF4021BT 8-bit static shift register Production
HEF4021BTT 8-bit static shift register Production
HEF4094B 8-stage shift-and-store register ACT
HEF4094BT 8-stage shift-and-store register Production
HEF4094BTT 8-stage shift-and-store register Production
HEF4557B 1-to-64 bit variable length shift register ACT
HEF4557BT 1-to-64 bit variable length shift register EndOfLife
HEF4794B 8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver ACT
HEF4794BT 8-stage shift-and-store register LED driver Production
HEF4894B 12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver ACT
HEF4894BT 12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver Production
HEF4894BTT 12-stage shift-and-store register LED driver Production
NPIC6C4894 Power logic 12-bit shift register; open-drain outputs ACT
NPIC6C4894D Power logic 12-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C595 Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs ACT
NPIC6C595BQ Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C595D Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C595PW Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C596 Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs ACT
NPIC6C596BQ Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C596D Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C596PW Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C596A Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs ACT
NPIC6C596ABQ Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C596AD Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
NPIC6C596APW Power logic 8-bit shift register; open-drain outputs EndOfLife
74HCS595PW Production
HEF4094BTS 8-stage shift-and-store register EndOfLife
HEF4894BP EndOfLife
Visit our documentation center for all documentation

Leaflet (1)

文件名称 标题 类型 日期
Nexperia_document_leaflet_Logic_NPIC_ShiftRegisters_201906.pdf NPIC Logic Shift Registers Leaflet 2019-07-12

Marcom graphics (1)

文件名称 标题 类型 日期
DHVQFN14_SOT762-1_mk.png plastic, dual in-line compatible thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package; no leads; 14 terminals; 0.5 mm pitch; 2.5 mm x 3 mm x 0.85 mm body Marcom graphics 2017-01-28

Selection guide (1)

文件名称 标题 类型 日期
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023.pdf Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 Selection guide 2023-05-10


