



氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)





Dual N-channel 100 V, 33 mΩ logic level MOSFET

Dual logic level N-channel MOSFET in an LFPAK56D (Dual Power-SO8) package using TrenchMOS technology. This product has been designed and qualified to AEC Q101 standard for use in high performance automotive applications.

Features and benefits

  • Dual MOSFET

  • Q101 Compliant

  • Repetitive avalanche rated

  • Suitable for thermally demanding environments due to 175 °C rating

  • True logic level gate with VGS(th) rating of greater than 0.5 V at 175 °C


  • 12 V, 24 V and 48 V Automotive systems

  • Motors, lamps and solenoid control

  • Transmission control

  • Ultra high performance power switching


型号 Package version Package name Product status Channel type Nr of transistors VDS [max] (V) RDSon [max] @ VGS = 10 V (mΩ) RDSon [max] @ VGS = 5 V (mΩ) Tj [max] (°C) ID [max] (A) QGD [typ] (nC) Ptot [max] (W) Qr [typ] (nC) VGSth [typ] (V) Automotive qualified Ciss [typ] (pF) Coss [typ] (pF) Release date
BUK9K32-100E SOT1205 LFPAK56D; Dual LFPAK Production N 2 100 31 33 175 26 11 64 47.3 1.7 Y 2377 153 2013-12-11


型号 可订购的器件编号,(订购码(12NC)) 状态 标示 封装 外形图 回流焊/波峰焊 包装
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100EX
Active 93210E SOT1205


型号 可订购的器件编号 化学成分 RoHS RHF指示符
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100EX BUK9K32-100E rohs rhf

文档 (19)

文件名称 标题 类型 日期
BUK9K32-100E Dual N-channel 100 V, 33 mΩ logic level MOSFET Data sheet 2018-04-05
AN10874_ZH LFPAK MOSFET thermal design guide, Chinese version Application note 2020-04-30
AN11113_ZH LFPAK MOSFET thermal design guide - Part 2 Application note 2020-04-30
AN11261 RC Thermal Models Application note 2021-03-18
AN11599 Using power MOSFETs in parallel Application note 2016-07-13
AN90003 LFPAK MOSFET thermal design guide Application note 2023-08-22
SOT1205 3D model for products with SOT1205 package Design support 2017-06-30
nexperia_document_leaflet_LFPAK56D_factsheet_LR_201708 LFPAK56D the ultimate dual MOSFET Leaflet 2017-08-17
Nexperia_package_poster Nexperia package poster Leaflet 2020-05-15
LFPAK56D_SOT1205_mk plastic, single ended surface mounted package (LFPAK56D); 8 leads; 1.27 mm pitch; 4.7 mm x 5.3 mm x 1.05 mm body Marcom graphics 2017-01-28
BUK9xxxx-100E_LTspice_V3 BUK9xxxx-100E Precision ElectroThermal (PET) LTspice model PET SPICE model 2022-12-14
SOT1205 plastic, single ended surface mounted package (LFPAK56D); 8 leads Package information 2022-03-11
SOT1205_115 LFPAK56D; Reel pack for SMD, 7''; Q1/T1 product orientation Packing information 2021-01-11
REFLOW_BG-BD-1 Reflow soldering profile Reflow soldering 2021-04-06
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100E Spice model SPICE model 2014-01-15
TN00008 Power MOSFET frequently asked questions and answers Technical note 2024-08-09
BUK9K32-100E_RC_Thermal_Model BUK9K32-100E Thermal design model Thermal design 2021-01-18
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100E Thermal model Thermal model 2014-01-15
WAVE_BG-BD-1 Wave soldering profile Wave soldering 2021-09-08


文件名称 标题 类型 日期
BUK9xxxx-100E_LTspice_V3 BUK9xxxx-100E Precision ElectroThermal (PET) LTspice model PET SPICE model 2022-12-14
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100E Spice model SPICE model 2014-01-15
BUK9K32-100E_RC_Thermal_Model BUK9K32-100E Thermal design model Thermal design 2021-01-18
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100E Thermal model Thermal model 2014-01-15
SOT1205 3D model for products with SOT1205 package Design support 2017-06-30


型号 Orderable part number Ordering code (12NC) 状态 包装 Packing Quantity 在线购买
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100EX 934067941115 Active SOT1205_115 1,500 订单产品


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How does it work?

The interactive datasheets are based on the Nexperia MOSFET precision electrothermal models. With our interactive datasheets you can simply specify your own conditions interactively. Start by changing the values of the conditions. You can do this by using the sliders in the condition fields. By dragging the sliders you will see how the MOSFET will perform at the new conditions set.


型号 可订购的器件编号 订购代码(12NC) 封装 从经销商处购买
BUK9K32-100E BUK9K32-100EX 934067941115 SOT1205 订单产品