



氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)




DC EV charging station

For electric vehicles to fully reach their potential, one of the biggest challenges is in providing fast charging infrastructure that help eliminate range anxiety. In DC EV charging stations (typically 22-350 kW), the power conversion from AC to DC happens within the station , and the current bypasses the OBC going directly to the battery. With increasing charger voltages up to 1000 V and 800 V batteries, charging times will be significantly reduced. Given the loading these fast-charging stations require, they tend to be seen as a transport infrastructure and not as residential solutions.

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Block diagram

Battery Management Systems (BMS) AC/DCconversion(PFC) Aux power supply for internal electronics Controllogic HMIRGB LEDs/ Color Screen Microcontroller / Datalogger / Comms Gatedrivers DC/DCconversion aaa-040180 Wireless(WiFi / 4G / 5G) Contactiess /RFID grid Single or3-phase CC52 Highlighted components are Nexperia focus products.

Battery Management System

Control logic

HMI: RGB LEDs/ Color Screen

Control, data, comms

Select a component

To view more information about the Nexperia components used in this application, please select a component above or click on a component (highlighted in blue) in the block diagram.

Design considerations

  • Topology selection is based on expected peformance, cost and footprint
  • Modular design provides flexibility and scalability, which has high requirements on thermal management.
  • Using power module instead of power discretes improves power density and system efficiency
    • 15-30 kW modules based on discretes
    • > 30 kW modules typically use IGBT or SiC power module​​​​​​s

Improve accuracy of AOI in PCB production by using modern package technology

To enhance AOI Nexperia has introduced its new lead shape which is featured in packages such as the CFP15B and CFP2-HP. Watch this video and learn how this new lead shape delivers a more uniform solder joint which is easier to detect with AOI.