Products - Power
- 开始采用PWM驱动无刷直流电机控制
- 电机驱动MOSFET必须以低RDSon和良好的热阻抗来满足峰值高电流需求
- 如果过载情况会降低电池和栅极电压,则可能需要具有强线性模式性能的MOSFET来提供反向电池保护
- MOSFET可能需要满足UL2595等的具体间距要求
- 为小尺寸优化的电荷平衡MOSFET,通常装在可移动电池组中——每个电池一个
UM90003: 4 kW Bridgeless Totem-pole PFC evaluation board
The NXTTP4000W066 evaluation board is a bridgeless totem-pole Power-Factor-Correction (PFC) circuit. Using Nexperia power GaN FETs a very high-efficiency single-phase AC-DC converter is realized by using a diode-free power GaN FET bridge.
MOSFET and GaN FET Handbook
Drawing on over 20 years’ of experience, the MOSFET and GaN FET Application Handbook: A Power Design Engineer’s Guide brings together a comprehensive set of learning and reference materials relating to the use of MOSFETs and GaN FETs in real world systems.