无论是为下一代新能源电动车设计的电机驱动/控制器,还是为最新5G电信网络设计的电源,安世半导体的GaN FET将是您解决方案的关键。提供高功率性能和高频开关,我们常态关断的GaN FET产品的设计和结构,可确保您的设计应用低成本的标准栅极驱动器。
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Application note (7) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
AN90053.pdf | Advanced SPICE models for Nexperia cascode Gallium Nitride (GaN) FETs | Application note | 2024-05-31 |
AN90041.pdf | Gate drive circuit design for Nexperia 650 V Enhancement mode (e-mode) GaN FETs | Application note | 2023-05-09 |
AN90030_translated.pdf | ハーフブリッジ・トポロジーにおけるNexperia製GaN FETの並列 | Application note | 2023-04-03 |
AN90030.pdf | Paralleling of Nexperia cascode GaN FETs in half-bridge topology | Application note | 2023-03-22 |
AN90005.pdf | Understanding Power GaN FET data sheet parameters | Application note | 2020-06-08 |
AN90006.pdf | Circuit design and PCB layout recommendations for GaN FET half bridges | Application note | 2019-11-15 |
AN90004.pdf | Probing considerations for fast switching applications | Application note | 2019-11-15 |
Leaflet (4) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
nexperia_document_leaflet_GaNFETs_2025.pdf | Power GaN FETs | Leaflet | 2025-03-10 |
nexperia_document_leaflet_GaNFETs_2025-CHN.pdf | Power GaN FETs Chinese | Leaflet | 2025-03-10 |
nexperia_document_leaflet_GaN_CCPAK_2023_CHN.pdf | CCPAK GaN FETs Chinese | Leaflet | 2023-10-25 |
nexperia_document_leaflet_GaN_CCPAK_2023.pdf | CCPAK GaN FETs | Leaflet | 2023-10-25 |
Marcom graphics (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
TO-247_SOT429_mk.png | plastic, single-ended through-hole package; 3 leads; 5.45 mm pitch; 20.45 mm x 15.6 mm x 4.95 mm body | Marcom graphics | 2019-02-19 |
Other type (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
GaNFET_evaluation_board_Terms_Of_Use.pdf | GaN FET EVALUATION BOARD TERMS OF USE | Other type | 2023-10-10 |
Selection guide (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023.pdf | Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 | Selection guide | 2023-05-10 |
Technical note (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
TN90004.pdf | An insight into Nexperia Power GaN technology – Applications, quality, reliability and scalability | Technical note | 2020-07-21 |
User manual (4) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
UM90007.pdf | NX-HB-GAN039-BSCUL 3.5 kW half-bridge evaluation board with bottom-side cooled GaN FETs | User manual | 2024-08-21 |
UM90028.pdf | NX-DP-GAN039-TSC double pulse evaluation board with top-side cooled CCPAK GaN FETs | User manual | 2024-01-09 |
UM90024.pdf | 4 kW analogue bridgeless totem-pole PFC evaluation board | User manual | 2023-11-21 |
Nexperia_document_book_MOSFETGaNFETApplicationHandbook_2020.pdf | MOSFET & GaN FET Application Handbook | User manual | 2020-11-05 |
White paper (3) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
nexperia_whitepaper_gan_need_for_efficient_conversion_Japanese.pdf | Whitepaper: GaN need for efficient conversion (Japanese) | White paper | 2021-05-20 |
nexperia_whitepaper_gan_need_for_efficient_conversion_CHN.pdf | 白皮书: 功率GaN技术: 高效功率转换的需求 | White paper | 2020-08-17 |
nexperia_whitepaper_gan_need_for_efficient_conversion.pdf | White paper: Power GaN technology: the need for efficient power conversion | White paper | 2020-07-23 |
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