- 零正向和反向恢复
- 开关性能不受温度影响
- 开关操作快速流畅
- 高IFSM能力
- 低泄漏电流
- 易于并联/正温度系数
- 出色的品质因数(Qc x VF)
- 高达175 °C结温的热稳定性
- AEC-Q101质量标准
- 工业和消费类应用
- 开关模式电源(SMPS)
- 交流-直流和直流-直流转换器
- 电池充电基础设施
- 服务器和电信电源
- 不间断电源(UPS)
- 光伏逆变器
- 车载充电器(OBC)
- 逆变器
- 高压直流-直流转换器
- 高功率密度
- 降低系统成本
- 系统小型化
- 高温工作
- 减少EMI
- 提高了耐用性和可靠性
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Type number | Description | Status | Quick access |
PSC0665B1 | 650 V, 6 A SiC Schottky diode in bare die | Production | |
PSC0665H | 650 V, 6 A SiC Schottky diode in DPAK R2P | Production | |
PSC0665K | 650 V, 6 A SiC Schottky diode in TO-220-2 R2P | Production | |
PSC1065B1 | 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky diode in bare die | Production | |
PSC1065B1-Q | 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky diode in bare die for automotive applications | Production | |
PSC1065H | 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky diode in DPAK R2P | Production | |
PSC1065H-Q | 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky diode in DPAK R2P for automotive applications | Production | |
PSC1065J-Q | 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky diode in D2PAK R2P for automotive applications | Production | |
PSC1065K | 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky diode in TO-220-2 R2P | Production | |
PSC1665J | 650 V, 16 A SiC Schottky diode in D2PAK R2P | Production | |
PSC1665J-Q | 650 V, 16 A SiC Schottky diode in D2PAK R2P for automotive applications | Production | |
PSC1665L | 650 V, 16 A SiC Schottky diode in TO247 R2P | Production | |
PSC2065J | 650 V, 20 A SiC Schottky diode in D2PAK R2P | Production | |
PSC2065J-Q | 650 V, 20 A SiC Schottky diode in D2PAK R2P for automotive applications | Production | |
PSC2065L | 650 V, 20 A SiC Schottky diode in TO247 R2P | Production |
Brochure (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
nexperia_DIODE_Handbook.pdf | Nexperia DIODE Handbook Chinese | Brochure | 2023-09-20 |
Leaflet (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
Nexperia_document_factsheet_SiC_CN.pdf | SiC肖特基二极管 全新高功率碳化硅二极管产品组合 | Leaflet | 2022-04-25 |
Marcom graphics (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
RS2175_D2PAK_SOT404_B_mk_2-pin.png | D2PAK SOT404_B MARCOM graphic | Marcom graphics | 2021-10-29 |
Selection guide (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023.pdf | Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 | Selection guide | 2023-05-10 |
Technical note (1) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
TN90007.pdf | Evaluation of junction temperature and thermal stacks using the virtual junction | Technical note | 2024-09-02 |
White paper (2) |
File name | Title | Type | Date |
2023-0001_NEX_080_Whitepaper_SiC-diodes_Chinese_FINAL_version.pdf | 2023-0001_NEX_080_Whitepaper_SiC-diodes_Chinese | White paper | 2023-06-08 |
2023-0001_NEX_029_Whitepaper_SiC-diodes_V04.pdf | Whitepaper SiC diodes | White paper | 2023-04-21 |
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