



氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)





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Analog & Logic ICs
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Visit our documentation center for all documentation

Application note (3)

File name Title Type Date
AN11733_JA.pdf AN11733 Logic data sheet parameters Application note 2024-04-10
AN263.pdf Power considerations when using CMOS and BiCMOS logic devices Application note 2023-02-07
AN11733.pdf AN11733 Logic data sheet parameters Application note 2019-01-31

Brochure (4)

File name Title Type Date
Nexperia_document_guide_Logic_translators.pdf Nexperia Logic Translators Brochure 2021-04-12
Nexperia_LOGIC_Handbook_201029.pdf Logic Application Handbook - Design Engineers Guide Brochure 2020-10-30
Nexperia_document_guide_MiniLogic_PicoGate_201901.pdf PicoGate leaded logic portfolio guide Brochure 2019-01-07
Nexperia_document_guide_MiniLogic_MicroPak_201808.pdf MicroPak leadless logic portfolio guide Brochure 2018-09-03

Leaflet (21)

File name Title Type Date
enhanced_unidirectional_direction_translator_portfolio_leaflet.pdf Enhanced Unidirectional Direction Translator Portfolio Leaflet 2024-12-11
Leaflet_SOT8065_Minilogic.pdf Leaflet_SOT8065 Minilogic Leaflet 2024-11-15
nexperia_leaflet_ideal-diode.pdf NID5100 Ideal Diode Leaflet 2024-08-09
nexperia_factsheet_dual_in_line_logic_footprint_adapter_boards.pdf Dual in-line Logic footprint adapter boards Leaflet 2024-01-24
SIM_Card_leaflet_HR_CN.pdf SIM 卡接口电平转换器 Leaflet 2022-07-25
2022-0007_NEX_089_SIM_Card_leaflet_FINAL.pdf SIM card interface level translators Leaflet 2022-06-17
Nexperia_Document_Leaflet_SD_Card.pdf Secure Digital (SD) Card Level Translator Leaflet Leaflet 2022-01-04
Nexperia_Document_Leaflet_XS5A1T4157_CN.pdf XS5A1T4157 低导通电阻无过冲2:1开关 Leaflet 2021-10-29
Nexperia_Document_Leaflet_XS5A1T4157.pdf XS5A1T4157 - SPDT switch Leaflet 2021-08-20
Nexperia_Document_Leaflet_DHXQFN_CN.pdf Nexperia Document Leaflet DHXQFN CN Leaflet 2021-07-16
2021-0002_NEX_083_DHXQFN_Leaflet_v05.pdf Industry’s smallest and thinnest package in 14, 16, 20 and 24 pins for Standard Logic functions Leaflet 2021-06-29
Nexperia_Document_Leaflet_Autosense_translators_NXS_NXB_CN.pdf 过去十年来,半导体CMOS技术经过不断发展,现在可以生产符合更低电压和更低功耗I/O标准的高性能系统,尤其是在 便携式应用领域。在低功耗系统设计与制造的推动下,许多应用都要求采用I/O电压和电源电压组合。如果多电压应用中 使用较旧的传统外设,这些电压较高的设备就需要与目前广泛使用的电压较低的新应用处理器相连接。Nexperia的自动 检测转换器支持这些电压转换接口,可用于推挽缓冲和开漏应用。 Leaflet 2021-04-02
Nexperia_Document_Leaflet_Autosense_translators_HR.pdf Autosense Translators - 1, 2, 4, 8 channel level translator Leaflet 2021-04-02
2021-0002_NEX_009_LSF_Leaflet_Final.pdf Auto-sensing bidirectional voltage level translators Leaflet 2021-02-24
Nexperia_document_leaflet_Logic_TVSOP48_16bitPortfolio_201903.pdf Smaller-footprint 16-bit logic with advanced features Leaflet 2019-03-29
Nexperia_document_leaflet_Logic_LV-AT_201903.pdf LV-A(T) logic family Leaflet 2019-03-19
Nexperia_74AUP1Txx_voltage_translators.pdf Single supply logic gates with voltage translation Leaflet 2018-06-18
Nexperia_document_leaflet_Logic_X2SON_packages_062018.pdf X2SON ultra-small 4, 5, 6 & 8-pin leadless packages Leaflet 2018-06-05
Nexperia_document_leaflet_CB3Q_switches_201803.pdf CB3Q Bus Switches Leaflet 2018-04-06
Nexperia_74LV1Txxx_voltage_translators.pdf Single supply logic gates with voltage translation Leaflet 2018-02-02
Nexperia_document_QIC_Logic_Packages_Recommendations_201711.pdf Longevity – Packages by pin count Leaflet 2017-11-27

Marcom graphics (1)

File name Title Type Date
X2SON5_SOT1226_mk.png plastic, thermal enhanced extremely thin small outline package; no leads; 5 terminals; 0.48 mm pitch; 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm x 0.35 mm body Marcom graphics 2017-01-28

Selection guide (1)

File name Title Type Date
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023.pdf Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 Selection guide 2023-05-10

Technical note (1)

File name Title Type Date
TN90002.pdf H-bridge motor controller design using Nexperia discrete semiconductors and logic ICs Technical note 2025-02-10

User manual (2)

File name Title Type Date
UM90013.pdf NCA95xx EVB GPIO expander evaluation board User manual 2022-06-22
UM10204.pdf I2C-bus specification and user manual User manual 2014-04-28

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