Upcoming Power Rectifier Webinar Session 3
The secret of efficient and compact clip flat power (CFP) packages - November 2023

You are invited to the third session of Nexperia’s Power Rectifier Webinar Series where Nexperia will explain the importance of clip flat power packages in the context of downsizing and PCB design. The right package choice is not only essential when it comes to availability and long-term supply security. The increasing demand for miniaturization leads to more compact board designs and therefore the thermal power dissipation is becoming a real challenge for designers. Nexperia will help you to understand the concept of the thermal resistance Rth in depth. Furthermore, temperature differences between conventional SMX and CFP rectifier packages are investigated and compared with regards to downsizing potential and board layout. In this webinar you will learn how to make the most out of your design with flat power packages.
You will learn about:
- Power Rectifier packages are introduced
- Concept of Rth and the total power dissipation is explained
- Surrounding conditions of the thermal design are examined: Optimal footprint design, layout and printed circuit board
- Benchmarking of different packages (SMx vs. CFP)
Ole ThomsenProduct Manager Power Bipolar DiscretesOle Thomsen is a product manager for power bipolar discretes at Nexperia. He joined Nexperia in 2020, after having worked as a field application engineer in the field of passive components. He holds and engineering master’s from Kiel University in Germany. Currently he focuses on the portfolio management of SiGe and Recovery Rectifiers. |
Hoan VuDevelopment EngineerHoan Vu is a development engineer for rectifiers at Nexperia. He joined Nexperia in January 2021 after working in academic research for more than 7 years. He holds a diploma and doctoral degree in physics from University of Hamburg. Currently he is focusing on the development of Schottky rectifiers in clip-bonded FlatPower (CFP) packages. |
Nima LotfiApplication EngineerNima Lotfi started with Nexperia as Application Engineer after completing his Master of Science in electrical engineering at Hamburg University of Technology and following a one year internship with the company. Currently he is focused on power discretes and in particular bipolar power. |

Going one step further
Like all our Design Engineer’s Guides, the Diode Handbook is intended to be a practical, comprehensive, and up-to-date reference work written by engineers for engineers.
If you want to learn more about our all our Recovery Rectfiers, you can also download our Recovery Rectfiers leaflet and further supporting material.