



氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)




双低VCEsat (BISS)晶体管


如果您的设计必须维持低功耗和减少发热,我们的低VCEsat (BISS)器件是理想的解决方案。这些器件具备高能效和高集电极电流特性(凭借创新的网状发射极技术)。


  • 更小电路板空间、更高性能
  • 高集电极电流增益hFE(高IC
  • 时)低集电极-发射极饱和电压VCEsat及相应的电阻RCEsat(最低<30 mΩ)
  • SOT89、SOT223、TO-126和DPAK等较大功率、中等功率晶体管的高性价比替代选择
  • 高集电极电流增益IC和ICM


  • LAN和ADSL系统的电源开关/中等功率DC-DC转换
  • 反向器应用,如TFT显示屏
  • 中等功率外设驱动器,如风扇、马达
  • 电池充电器/负载开关
  • 适合数码相机与移动电话的频闪闪光灯

Parametric search

Low VCEsat (BISS) transistors double
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Type number Description Status Quick access
PBSS2515YPN-Q 15 V low VCEsat NPN/PNP transistor Production
PBSS4112PAN-Q 120 V, 1 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4112PANP-Q 120 V, 1 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4130PAN-Q 30 V, 1 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4130PANP 30 V, 1 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4140DPN-Q 40 V low VCEsat NPN/PNP transistor Production
PBSS4160DS-Q 60 V, 1 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4160PAN 60 V, 1 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4160PANP-Q 60 V, 1 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4160PANPS 60 V, 1 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4160PANS 60 V, 1 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4220PANS 20 V, 2 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat BISS double transistor Production
PBSS4230PAN 30 V, 2 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4230PANP 30 V, 2 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4240DPN 40 V low VCEsat NPN/PNP transistor Production
PBSS4260PAN 60 V, 2 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4260PANP 60 V, 2 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4260PANPS 60 V, 2 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) double transistor Production
PBSS4260PANS-Q 60 V, 2 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat double transistor Production
PBSS4350SPN 50 V, 2.7 A NPN/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS4350SS 50 V, 2.7 A NPN/NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS5112PAP 120 V, 1 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS5130PAP-Q 30 V, 1 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS5160DS-Q 60 V, 1 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS5160PAP 60 V, 1 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS5160PAPS 60 V, 1 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS5220PAPS-Q 20V, 2 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat double transistor Production
PBSS5230PAP 30 V, 2 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS5255PAPS-Q 55V, 2A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) double transistor Production
PBSS5260PAP 60 V, 2 A PNP/PNP low V (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS5260PAPS 60 V, 2 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) double transistor Production
PBSS5350SS 50 V, 2.7 A PNP/PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
Visit our documentation center for all documentation

Marcom graphics (1)

File name Title Type Date
DFN2020D-6_SOT1118D_mk.png plastic, thermally enhanced ultra thin and small outline package; 6 terminals; 0.65 mm pitch; 2 mm x 2 mm x 0.65 mm body Marcom graphics 2017-01-28

Selection guide (1)

File name Title Type Date
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023.pdf Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 Selection guide 2023-05-10

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