



氮化镓场效应晶体管(GaN FET)




单NPN型低VCEsat (BISS)晶体管

Nexperia的低VCEsat (BISS)晶体管经济高效;可提升效率,减少发热。



  • 降低了热阻和电阻
  • 更少发热意味着电路效率更高
  • 符合AEC-Q101标准的产品组合
  • 中等功率晶体管的高性价比替代选择
  • 高性能/电路板空间比
  • 提升了小信号尺寸的性能
  • 低集电极-发射极饱和
  • 适合高环境温度应用的解决方案
  • 高电流增益hFE(甚至在高IC时)
  • 人体工学设计提升了电路效率


  • 温度关键型环境中的应用
  • 高端和低端开关,例如控制单元中的开关
  • 中等功率DC/DC转换
  • 低电源电压应用中的驱动器
  • 电感负载驱动器,例如继电器、蜂鸣器

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Low VCEsat (BISS) transistors single NPN
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Type number Description Status Quick access
2PD2150 20 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS2515E 15 V, 0.5 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS2515MB 15 V, 0.5 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS2540E 40 V, 500 mA NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS2540M 40 V, 0.5 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS2540MB 40 V, 0.5 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS301NX-Q 12 V, 5.3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor EndOfLife
PBSS302ND-Q 40 V, 4 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS302NX-Q 20 V, 5.3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS302NZ-Q 20 V, 5.8 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS303ND-Q 60 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS303NX-Q 30 V, 5.1 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS303NZ-Q 30 V, 5.5 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS304ND 80 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS304NX-Q 60 V, 4.7 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS304NZ-Q 60 V, 5.2 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS305ND 100 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS305NX-Q 80 V, 4.6 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS305NZ-Q 80 V, 5.1 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS306NX-Q 100 V, 4.5 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS306NZ-Q 100 V, 5.1 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4021NT-Q 20 V, 4.3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4021NX-Q 20 V, 7 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4021NZ-Q 20 V, 8 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4032ND 30 V, 3.5 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS4032NT-Q 30 V, 2.6 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4032NX-Q 30 V, 4.7 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4032NZ-Q 30 V, 4.9 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4041NT-Q 60 V, 3.8 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4041NX-Q 60 V, 6.2 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4041NZ-Q 60 V, 7 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4120T 20 V; 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4130QA 30 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4130T 30 V; 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4140T-Q 40 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4140U 40V Low VCEsat NPN Transistor Production
PBSS4160QA-Q 60 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4160T-Q 60 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4160U 60 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4160X 60 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat BISS transistor Production
PBSS4230QA 30 V, 2 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4230T 30 V; 2 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4240T-Q 40 V; 2 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4240X 40 V, 2 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4240Y 40 V low VCEsat NPN transistor EndOfLife
PBSS4240Z 40 V, 2 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4250X 50 V, 2 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4260QA 60 V, 2 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4320T 20 V NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4320X 20 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4330PAS-Q 30 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4330X 30 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4350D-Q 50 V low VCEsat NPN transistor Production
PBSS4350PAS-Q 50 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4350T-Q 50 V; 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4350X 50 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4350Z-Q 50 V low VCEsat NPN transistor Production
PBSS4360PAS-Q 60 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4360X-Q 60 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4360Z 60 V, 3 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS4420D-Q 20 V, 4 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4440D-Q 40 V NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4480X-Q 80 V, 4 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4520X-Q 20 V, 5 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4540X-Q 40 V, 5 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS4540Z 40 V low VCEsat NPN transistor Production
PBSS8110D 100 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS8110T-Q 100 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat transistor Production
PBSS8110X 100 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor Production
PBSS8110Y 100 V, 1 A NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor EndOfLife
PBSS8110Z 100 V, 1 A NPN low VCesat (BISS) transistor Production
PMBTA44-Q 400 V, 0.3 A NPN high-voltage low VCEsat transistor Production
PMBTA45-Q 500 V, 150 mA NPN high-voltage low VCEsat transistor Production
PMMT491A NPN BISS transistor Production
Visit our documentation center for all documentation

Marcom graphics (1)

File name Title Type Date
DFN2020-3_SOT1061_mk.png plastic, thermal enhanced ultra thin small outline package; 3 terminals; 1.3 mm pitch; 2 mm x 2 mm x 0.65 mm body Marcom graphics 2017-01-28

Selection guide (1)

File name Title Type Date
Nexperia_Selection_guide_2023.pdf Nexperia Selection Guide 2023 Selection guide 2023-05-10

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